FREEDOM IS A TWO-EDGED SWORD - Jack Parsons (PB, Oriflamme 1, New Falcon Press, 2001)
FREEDOM IS A TWO-EDGED SWORD - Jack Parsons (New Falcon Press, 2001)
Long out-of-print. Paperback. 96 pages.
Written around 1950, these essays are now, decades later, still strikingly prophetic. His introductory essays on Magick and Witchcraft are classics of lucidity. This volume makes available for the first time all of Parsons' surviving essays, edited by his wife and student, Cameron, in collaboration with Frater Superior Hymenaeus Beta, the head of the O.T.O.
This scare collection brings together all of Parson's leading-edge writings and essays. An important document.
Condition : Fine / near mint copy.